Adding value to my holozing space

Ever since the advent of holozing, the hive Blockchain has received a massive impact and it is changing gradually to accommodate its presence. Though not yet known all through he hive space, at its stage, it has proven to surpass many other games.

We all want to enjoy our console in the comfort of our couch, we want to stir into our screen and control the players to do our biddings, go right, left, attack, and defend. Well, i too, I am eager to play this game but well, the patient dog they say, eats the fattest bone. And I say,the dog will only eat bone not meat. Hehe. We don't have a choice though but to remain patient and give our maximum support.

Speaking of support, I made I within myself to delegate at least 10HP every week and it's paying off lately.

Today, I made another delegation of 5HP, making it a round up of a delegation of 140HP. Not much though, but trust me, it will increase weekly until it gets to the max there is.

I have been doing this for the past few weeks and the result is palpable.

My position in the top contributors have increased significantly this week by 8. At the start of the week, I was the number 949 but guess what?

I am currently in the number 941. I hope reach 935 by next week.

That being said, my staking and delegation yielded some sweet results ya'know.

These results are in form of the sweet zingtokens which I claim always.

I am happy to be among this community and I hope to give my contributions to the max.

Thank you for reading.
