I'm bit of a #nomad, living on the road for long periods of time. The benefits of th


I'm bit of a #nomad, living on the road for long periods of time. The benefits of this are that I feel the most free when on the move and I get a lot of time by myself to #ponder #life. As an #ambivert-I, this is a free as it gets.

I meet so many people who are well read, taking pride in their #AcademicIntelligence, yet tend to #quote everyone else, rather than themselves. It seems they'd rather be #intelligent, mistaking it for #knowledge, rather than acquiring #wisdom through their own #LifesExperiences. The latter for me is a more well rounded intelligence.

I prefer to not only take the #philosophical road, but when I create, I try to create 100% #originalcontent. It's not always great, deep nor even considered to be quality, but it's mine. Even the #PerceptionFeature is saying this is 55% low quality, 80% spam and 98% nonsense. I think the feature has a bit more to learn yet.

Anyway, this is a fire from the homemade wood stove I made for my camper out of a medical autoclave and as far as I know, the quote is original to me.

I wonder how many actually bother to read this?

#SoMee #someeoriginals #originalcontent #gif #meme #myquote #philosophy
I'm bit of a #nomad, living on the road for long periods of time. The benefits of th
