
Whenever you hear people talk about boredom, it's usually from a perspective of it being something dreadful and scary, with a depressing feeling as the cherry on top.

For this reason, some people believe that no man should be bored or live in boredom for even just a minute because there's just a lot to do that being bored is now a decision to make. This is so true in the modern world of today, where it is effortless for you to be alone in your room all day and not get bored because you've got the whole world inside a mobile device.

However, when you look at the life of those who hate being bored from time to time, you'll find out that they are not using those time and energy on something useful to their existence. It's either spent on social media or some X-rated bullsh*t.

I've talked a lot about how today's world is so filled with too many distractions that it's difficult to have a moment to sit down, relax, reflect and breathe. Today our world has been best known to be a killer of boredom.

And with not having that alone time to ourselves where we are doing nothing, comes with its issues, like not being able to reflect and ponder on important matters that mean a lot to our lives.

If I am being honest, it's usually those boring moments, days, and nights that I get much more clarity of thoughts than when I'm busy doing something and still trying to think through things.

Being boring is a skill I think many haven't yet grasped nowadays due to how we've now got too many activities and distractions here and there to deal with. Imagine having to think about the lives of other people, especially celebs on social media, when you're not living your life.

It is true that this generation has been breeding a bunch of sheep who are only meant to followers and consumers without being able to create a life of their own.

Being boring and loving it has been one of the greatest moments of the past generations that was able to give them time to reflect, plan and attack their enemies. Staying in a cave all day while trying to protect yourself from wild animals all day isn't fun.

But those people had to do that as often as they should. Yet, it is hard to see anyone these days to be alone with no form of entertainment around to cheer him up. Being boring is somehow frowned upon by this age because if you become bored for a minute you're immediately running off to the nearest form of fun and entertainment you can get around you.

Every so often our fun addiction is why we can't think logically and gain deep clarity of thoughts anymore, because we've clouded our minds with loads of junk that only being bored and alone with your thoughts can only cure.

Catch you next time


True, nowadays, it's easy to find ways to fight boredom. Not knowing, that being bored is part of the existence too. I agree.
