Telling You For Sure : A Freewrite
Some people have actually reached the point of no return in their life. All of this kind of thing starts to happen all around, is what I don’t even know and I’m not aware of.
But I know that some people have reached the point of no return. They can’t even go back anymore. They can’t. Return back to the status quo of where they started. The beginning of many of these things no one knows and no one can actually say this is how it all started.
I can tell you for sure that there is some people have actually embark on the journey of no return. That one is a dungy and there is no way out taking. Starting from demonic accountable to addictions and many other traumatic experience that some people have actually experienced when they were young and now there is no one to help us.
There is no one they can call on to and they don’t have anybody that can actually help us.