Done Talking : A Freewrite

Why can't we supplement the north?
It happens all over the world in the USA. % of the population feeds the remaining % and the arable lands are only on one side. Of the country I think the west or east. The others don’t plant nor supplement others
A buffer is what I'm talking about. Not overtaking the north.
Administrative duties. You mean governance? 😏😏😏😏😏
Have you got a buyer ? How much were you doing last sir ?
We don't have to do what the US does
We don’t even produce a quarter of what they do I won’t lie to you we can’t supplement them
What do they have? Government support and funding!! This is the difference
Okay. Wait for the government in Nigeria.
You can’t neglect itI laughed at you when you were spewing we shouldn’t talk about what the government can do
Let me spell it out for you
We need to start yesterday sir . It's obvious the production has reached point of saturation
Done your MSc or you've switched specialization?
Our grandpa's we sign Nigeria go better go shock if they are to see how things are now.
If I go do masters there they will give me $k for research. Government and endowment money oo
But for here we shouldn’t talk about the government
This point sounds funny but it's one of our biggest problems
All this una talks make I no lie government no dey talk
Someone was given for research alone a Nigerian oo but make we no Dey hold our government responsible.
Una get sense pass those in power
Make una no do politics
Wetin remain na make pastor Kay be president
Mudash vice
You are talking like you're in a functional system. You better face reality
We need the government to work brolet’s leave that we shouldn’t talk about them sha. They’re the biggest problem of Nigeria
Juggernaut go be minister of agriculture
If they can click everything I repeat everything will click
I haven't said they are not the problem. I'm telling you that things won't get better. Face the reality
Why did I read this as balablues
I go collect but make I go sharpen my Brian first work for a working system
If we don't need government support or funds
Which money dey to run this stuff you're talking about.