Asked Phillip (SoMee COO) about your question on TG. He said: once we fully release it, any NFT you have on offer, as well as NFT you own on your somee account, will be listed there
masked.ninja76 I double checked if NFT bought off SoMee, like OpenSea and his response is: "We will eventually allow you to see your NFT's off OTHER platforms, but the focus right now is somee."
In what sense? I know you can buy them on SOMEE, but I don't know what other NFTs like if you had something in a metamask and so forth.
Yeah, basically from MetaMask. I am not into NFTs but just wondering.
Asked Phillip (SoMee COO) about your question on TG. He said: once we fully release it, any NFT you have on offer, as well as NFT you own on your somee account, will be listed there
masked.ninja76 I double checked if NFT bought off SoMee, like OpenSea and his response is: "We will eventually allow you to see your NFT's off OTHER platforms, but the focus right now is somee."
I hope this helps with your question 🏻