🕰️ Time Is Everything 🕰️ Time is everything. 1 second, 1 minute, 1 moment could
Time Is Everything
Time is everything. 1 second, 1 minute, 1 moment could make all the difference. Be it when writing an exam, trying to catch a flight, reaching hospital before it's too late.
It is also a healer to heal and recover, to spend time with loved ones after a long busy day. It's also a moment well spent during important occasions, festivals and celebrations. A phase to remember and sentiments unforgettable. It's also opportunities when praying to God, applying for a new job before its deadline, getting a product while stock lasts.
It's the final duration in ones lifes journey where you hear and say those last words before they bid goodbye, and it is also important decisions we make that matters to us and all.
Hence, time is everything in good and unpleasant. Respect time, it's always giving you the best but also that extra moment, second and minute.
Image Source: Unknown Author
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[🕰️ Time Is Everything 🕰️
Time is everything. 1 second, 1 minute, 1 moment could](https://somee.social/posts/693117)