Designers (2) : A Freewrite


The funniest part of this is that I have come to see people who are artists I mean people who paint and draw and people who are always dirty hardly will find them clean they are always rough.

Designers that I know hardly look nice they don't dress well and I'm not that okay with the way they dress I'll do things even though they are contemporary in the work design field and are much better when it comes to better clothes fashion and style and good dressing maybe because they do video log of what they are doing and they need to appear perfectly well on the TV screen that might be the reason but even though in a case of in and out of the working room or working hours web designers still dress well and cool compares to the artist that paints and draw another factor might be that they are well paid I mean the web designers are more work paid than an ordinary artist or Michelangelo you can be paid millions of Dollars to design a canvas but it will designer can be paid such amount of money
