Knowing It : A Freewrite

They know they have over 5M farmoors. And you think they wont prepare token for more than 5M people?Make una calm down. Over has over 5 millions farmoors. What do you expect if we all try to access it at the same time? Leave it for jow and do it later.Experiencing something similar

Mine took me through a fresh process of updating after getting my tokens

And currently not opening🤷🏾‍♂️Who else has this "blank or keys not showing" issue in over updated walletAbeg if we decide the unstake, will the amount of meme token increase😃sth whey deh work for mobile mm e reach ur turn u deh use desktop 🤣this rich people ehnu sure say this price tally cos volume and this fp then no relate 🤣Kindly put your browser on desktop mode then at the right top click on your connected wallet and click unstake
