Let The Yield Wars Begin! | XPOLYCUB DAO Proposal #2


The second governance proposal of the XPOLYCUB DAO is live!




PolyCUB has evolved a lot in the couple months that it has been live. If you're not familiar, PolyCUB is the latest and greatest DeFi yield optimizer platform built by the LeoFinance team. Since launch, the goal has always been to have community governance for the platform and we are finally getting to take part. The last proposal was to change the Farm reward lockup period, and this is the first Yield vote.

After the release of the sort of roadmap to the future of vaults on PolyCUB focused on the Multi Token Bridge... We knew that the focus was going to go more into the bridged assets that are created via the multi token bridge. Currently these assets are wrapped HBD known as pHBD, wrapped HIVE known as pHIVE, and wrapped SPS known as pSPS.

With the addition of new tokens to the bridge, comes new assets paired with the native POLYCUB token to build value. Currently between the POLYCUB paired pools, there is about $382,000 in the Farms, which is a very small number.


The breakdown of the different POLYCUB paired pools are:

  • POLYCUB-USDC - $152,175
  • POLYCUB-WETH - $126,846
  • PHIVE-POLYCUB - $59,856
  • PSPS-POLYCUB - $43,877

When you look at these numbers, you start to realize that the amount of liquidity there is between POLYCUB and other tokens is very small. This means that if a whale or someone with a ton of money wants to play in these markets, they can drastically impact the price. This is good because we have the opportunity to take advantage of the high yields, but a the end of the day there needs to be more liquidity.

Liquidity in these farms accrues value for the protocol's treasury known as the Protocol Owned Liquidity. The assets parked there are earning interest perpetually and it benefits the whole ecosystem. As the community, we have the power to dictate where yield is allocated right now. In order to participate in the governance votes, you need XPOLYCUB staked.

This is where another utility for the POLYCUB token comes into play. It can be staked at a ratio of 21.68:1 for XPOLYCUB which can be redeemed at any time for whatever the amount of POLYCUB it is worth. These tokens are extremely scarce and get you voting weight on the farms yield is allocated to.

This is why we must vote.


Currently the DAO is very new, and the Leo team loves to "do it live" with their releases. Get it out, and change as it goes. I love this. Not only is it exciting, but it builds trust with transparency. Voting does not have a user interface just yet, but it is being built. For now, voting is as simple as sending a miniscule amount of MATIC to the Governance contract.

I cast my 2 votes yesterday and I encourage you to go ahead and do the same. Unlike in presidential elections, your vote has actual weight based on your XPOLYCUB holdings. You decide where the yield goes. Have a metric shit ton of SPS and wanna get higher yield on pSPS-POLYCUB? You're gunna have to vote.

The Governance contract can be found in the official announcement post. All you have to do is look at the above screenshot, and find the pool's PID (Pool ID) then you're ready to vote.

Governance contract: 0x2CAA7b86767969048029c27C1A62612c980eB4b8


Just use your favorite wallet that has your XPOLYCUB and MATIC in it. Click Send, and paste the governance contract. Then send the corresponding amount of MATIC based on the pool's PID. For example, I voted for POLYCUB-WETH which is PID 5 - so I sent 0.0005 MATIC to the contract. Confirm the transaction and you have successfully voted.

Keep in mind that you get 2 votes. If you want to change a vote, just vote a 3rd time and the first vote will be replaced. Choose wisely!


I also voted for the PHIVE-POLYCUB pool simply because it needs more liquidity. There needs to be massive influxes of capital into these pools. Tell ya kids, tell ya wife, and tell ya friends. PolyCUB is the next generation of DeFi and we are here on the ground floor.

Take advantage of these cheap POLYCUB prices while you can and maximize your stake. Obviously this is not financial advice, and I am biased. Do your own research. Wanna park some stable coins that aren't going to crash? The PHBD-USDC pools is a great option!

Now get out there and cast your vote!


Thanks for reading! Much love.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I saw the new vote out but I don't really have any funds in the farms. So I think I will probably skip the vote this time around and I don't have that much xPolyCUB (just what I got from the airdrop).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Is what you got from the airdrop at least staked as XPOLYCUB?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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