How to Supercharge Your Savings Account with PolyCUB


No matter what you're doing in life or how much money you make, you need to be saving. I'm going to show you how to earn 27% APY on your money with NO RISK.


PolyCUB Kingdoms

I've written about PolyCUB a number of times and I kinda backed off it because that's basically all I was seeing on my feed. It got a little overwhelming, which is a great thing for the platform as far as internal advertising. So now that the dust is starting to settle and the price of POLYCUB is starting to stabilize at the 35 cents range, it's time I step back in. If you haven't heard about PolyCUB somehow, it's the hottest new DeFi project launched by the LeoFinance team that's aimed at sustainability and yield optimization.

Most of the time when people think of using DeFi to earn yield on their assets, they immediately think about impermanent loss. If you're not familiar with what impermanent loss is, @shortsegments does a great job of breaking it down. Impermanent loss can be pretty nasty depending on the market and the volatility of the assets you've paired, but it can easily be avoided with stablecoins.


PolyCUB has one of the most attractive stablecoin farms that I've ever seen. It allows you to earn 27% APY on your dollars! This has no risk of impermanent loss or any market fluctuations because it is a pairing of 3 stablecoins that are pegged to $1. So say you have $300, you can throw it into this farm and earn 27%. At any point, you can pull that same $300 out and go on about your business.

Let me know when you find a savings account or any kind of bank account that offers you anywhere close to this kind of return. Even the HBD savings account here on Hive only offers 12%, and I'm not saying not to use it. Use it because you help more HBD get out into the market. But if you really want to supercharge your savings, let's take a closer look at exactly how to do that. It's actually really simple.


First - click the link "Add Liquidity" on the PolyCUB Kingdoms page under the DAI-USDT-USDC LP pool. You can also visit Curve by clicking here. The first thing you need to understand is that you need an equivalent amount of each token in order to do this. So let's say you have $1,500 and you want to earn the 27%+, you'll need to split it into $500 of DAI, $500 of USDT, and $500 of USDC. This can be done in a couple clicks via SushiSwap.

Once you have your 3 tokens in your wallet, you can head back to Curve and make the magic happen. Just enter 500 in each of the token boxes and you'll be ready to click "Deposit". You'll receive 1413.99 LP tokens currently, and there is a little bit of slippage so you may not get exactly $1500 worth of LP tokens. There are also some small fees to account for, about 0.05%.


Once you click deposit, you'll confirm a couple transactions in your MetaMask wallet. If you use a different wallet, it works the same way. The beauty of this is that it's all on the Polygon chain with super low fees. Once your transaction is confirmed, your LP tokens will be available in your wallet and ready to stake on PolyCUB.

Now, head over to the PolyCUB Kingdoms page and click on the DAI-USDT-USDC LP pool. You'll be presented with a button that says "Approve Contract". All this means is that you have to allow your MetaMask wallet to interact with the contract. Click the button, approve the transaction.


Once the transaction is confirmed, the button will change to a Deposit button.


Click that, enter the amount of LP tokens you received from Curve... Then click Confirm.


Once the transaction confirms, you're done. Since I started writing this post, the APY went up to 28% so you know. You're welcome. There's no need to visit this page frequently or anything like that. It's an auto-compounding farm meaning you set it and forget it just like a savings account. This is just a supercharged savings account.

Now can someone please tell me why in the hell you would put your dollars into an account that doesn't even pay 1%? You still have access to your assets at any point in time. All you have to do is unstake, withdraw, and be happy whenever you want.

This is the DeFi revolution that we've been waiting for. It's time to use it.


Thanks for reading! Much love.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Awesome. I totally enjoyed reading this. I recently started learning about Polycub and even wrote an article on it but yet to publish. I’m so glad I came across this because it has helped me put some things in perspective.

Staking one’s asset on Polycub is definitely way ahead of a regular banking system with minimal percentage yield. The DeFi revolution is definitely the movement.
Thank you for sharing.


great post and I like that you linked to @shortsegments impermanent loss post. I hadn't read that before and never really understood it. I'm bookmarking this post. I haven't entered that farm yet but have wanted to. Thanks!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Now can someone please tell me why in the hell you would put your dollars into an account that doesn't even pay 1%? You still have access to your assets at any point in time. All you have to do is unstake, withdraw, and be happy whenever you want.


Is the answer because it's complicated, scary and hard?

Surely the monetary reward at the end incentivises you to learn?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The best part is you only have to learn once. The rewards never end.

I bet people would do more of it if there was a "one click" solution


...and if you don't know the history of Leofinance, you can worry about the rug pull...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is nice, am want to get to know polycub, but I think am learning it every day with posts about how to go about it, what's left is to try to enter the discord or telegram group to get the finishing touches.
I don't have anything to put now, but when I get, I will make a move for it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
