How to Claim Your Ragnarok Tokens + Free NFTs from Me!


The Ragnarok game Claim Drop is here.



Ragnarok token claim drop

Back in January, a snapshot was taken of all HIVE/HP balances so if you had an account with a balance then, you have a balance to claim now. This snapshot was used for both the SPK Network claim drop and the Ragnarok game token claim drop. Ragnarok is a game being built here on Hive that's going to be wild. It's like Chess but with NFT gods as your pieces that do 1v1 battles as you play.

Instead of selling NFTs that will be used in the game in the future like most blockchain games being built, they decided to do it different. Instead, they are airdropping claim tokens for free NFTs for the game to everyone on Hive. How insane is that?! I hope your HIVE bag was packed for the snapshot because you're going to have a lot of tokens to claim!


Earlier today, we found out that the tokens we will be claiming are called DUAT in the official Claim Drop announcement. They live on the dlux layer 2 chain for Hive, not on Hive Engine so they will be claimed in a similar fashion as the SPK LARYNX tokens. The good thing is that it's not a monthly claim, instead it's a one time claim 1 to 1 for how much HIVE your account held (staked or not) on January 6th.

So what are DUAT tokens? They're basically a receipt token that is used to claim Ragnarok Claim Tokens when "everything is ready". Basically, you'll be able to swap 112 DUAT for one RCT that can be redeemed for a free Ragnarok NFT. Why they decided to add this extra step, I don't know. For technical reasons, I guess, but I'm not a developer so you know... The DUAT tokens are able to be claimed now and can be traded.

That's all we really know about these tokens at this point.

Here's how easy it is to claim your DUAT tokens!


There's 2 options. Number one is to visit the new Ragnarok Claim Drop page. Once you're there, it's as simple as entering your Hive username and clicking the Hive Keychain button. You'll get a pop up to approve the transaction in your wallet. The tokens will not show up immediately and cannot be seen on Hive Engine. They can be viewed on DLux linked below.

The other option is to visit the DLux claim page.


Sign in with Hive Keychain, click the Claim button with the little present next to it. Then confirm in Hive Keychain. It's that simple. The tokens will be visible in your wallet after some time. Mine took about 30 minutes to be visible. There's people listing them for sale already of course, but no buy orders yet. What will the market decide they're worth?


If you don't have time to claim them right away - don't worry. You have 3 months to do so and for now, I'd just hold them. Don't sell them stupid cheap. Let the market start building itself and see what they might be work when RCT tokens are available for claiming.

Also, free NFTs from me for 4/20!

I'm in the holiday spirit. I feel like spreading some NFT cheer. Drop your WAX wallet address below in a comment along with a 420 meme or whatever. I'll drop you random NFTs! The better the meme, the better the NFT. Make me laugh please! Above all else, take a minute to appreciate what you have. We only get one life, and we shouldn't take it for granted, ya know. Love you guys.


Thanks for reading! Much love.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for the update mate. Missed the official announcement. Nice to see things moving in the right direction with the spk network and associate projects. I hope Ragnarok becomes a great game in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


pretty nice amount of tokens should net you a good deck for sure! I hope they open up their marketplace a little more though. Seems like they are trying to build themselves in a corner from these launches I have been seeing. Like use my exchange and my platform only or get out lol I hope I'm wrong on that thinking though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I hope so too. That would be a damn shame. I think it'll have a ton of value in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Dope guide! I was able to claim mine just a few minutes ago. I am eager to find out just how valuable this airdrop becomes. I am just as excited to see if I can actually enjoy and be good at the game.
