Hive-Engine Got a Hot New Makeover


frens, often times website redesigns are overlooked as something small. To me, it's a very important part of a good website or application.



Hive-Engine is kinda sexy now

I don't know about you, but I've been using Hive-Engine for quite some time. I've never been a huge fan of TribalDEX or LeoDEX to be honest. BeeSwap is probably my all time favorite when it comes to exchanges for Hive Engine tokens. They all have a lot of growing to do still, but for some reason I always find myself using the OG Hive-Engine. Maybe it's because I'm a bit of a minimalist, or maybe it's just because it's simple... But you know, everyone has a preference. I hadn't gotten on there in a couple days as I've been busy but I hopped on to swap some random tokens for some MATIC to use PolyCUB. Turns out I had a few random tokens worth a couple dollars and gas fees on the Polygon chain are very low. Anyway - when I went to the site, I was kinda in shock when I saw that it had defaulted to dark mode. I was expecting the same old white background and minimal design. It was beautiful.


While a lot of the design updates are very small, I'm a stickler for good website design. If I'm going to be on a page for an extended period of time - like crypto trading... I want it to be comfortable. Easy on the eyes. Easy to navigate. The buttons should be clear and easy to recognize. Simple things like that can really keep someone's attention when they land on your website. For example - I love how the buttons are bright red and contrast well with the dark background. There's no searching around for buttons or struggling to see them due to terrible color choice. Come on, you know what I'm talking about. We've all been to a terribly designed website before lol.


The market page got a little refresh too which is the most important page. My only criticism here is that the green and red candles on the chart should be brighter. Maybe the background a little darker. A little more contrast would be very helpful here coming from someone that hates looking at charts. The colors should contrast very well to make it easier to read the chart. Again - all of these are very subtle changes that actually make a huge impact for the user. I'm no graphics designer or web designer, but I know what is comfortable to my eyes.


The same thing goes for the Swap window. The background should be a little darker and the words would contrast a lot better. Another greatly underrated feature. Before BeeSwap was a thing, DSwap was something I had used frequently to instantly swap Hive Engine tokens. The buttons are my favorite part. Super bright and easy to read.


Overall, I love the refresh. The colors just need a little tweaking and I'll be super happy with it. Great job to the devs, and thank you for giving a breathe of fresh air to an OG Hive app. My only question is....

wen dark mode on Hive Engine Explorer?


Thanks for reading! Much love.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


yeah, I like the new look and layout. I hope they add the link to Tribaldex back into the site too just to make it easier to click over. I still like using both.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Do you know what the team's thinking is behind maintaining both the Hive-Engine and Tribaldex front-ends?

Why not just pick one?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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