The Switch in a Look



I don’t know why he looks at me that way; his look always turns me on…”

“Anytime he looks at me, I feel as if I’m about to drown in the ocean of his eyes…”

Please o, when did a look start switching people on and off, causing butterflies to fly in the pit of your stomach, making your heart skip a beat, causing your tongue to become dry, and igniting spark plugs…?


Wahala everywhere…
Actually, in the days of yore, our fathers used to say “No need for alarm, everything is under control”, but nowadays it is evidently clear that there is “no need for control, everything is under alarm”. Is that so??

My people, there is no switch anywhere in a look that turns people on and off, nor produces butterflies in one’s stomach to fly to God knows where…

The problem is not in the look; it is in the heart that READS the look…

That ancient man, whose compendium of knowledge was encapsulated in over three books of the Book of Books advised us thus, “guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life”. Why? Simply because “the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?”

Actually, he was speaking from experience…

Keep your heart under the control of the Spirit of the Supreme Deity, zip up your desires, and peck up your discipline over your emotions…

You will discover that there is no “switch” whatsoever in a look…

© Ibeh Ezinna T.

Note: The pictures were AI-Generated.
