Ladies and Gentlemen. SoMeeans and none SoMeeans. A huge win for those as i fighting for R

Ladies and Gentlemen. SoMeeans and none SoMeeans. A huge win for those as i fighting for Religious freedoms. After i complained a few days ago to both the better business bureau and Nicklaus Hospital themselves for the terrible experience i explained in this post >

Nicklaus Hospital decided to abide by the Law and Make Mask wearing Optional i was just informed by my wife. They said they were going to call me soon. On an email! If this is the case, i am very glad Nicklaus Hospital is abiding by State and Federal Law. I do not expect to have another problem with these Nurses again as i will continue piling up these complaints before hitting them with a huge religious discrimination lawsuit especially if they dare deny any of my daughters treatment.

Here is my complaint to both the better Business Bureau and Nicklaus Hospital

On Tuesday, Aug 22, 2023 at 5PM, my 1 year old daughter Emuna had an appointment with her pediatrician Doctor Handal-Saca, located at 4410 W 16 Ave #60, 33012, Hialeah. I, and my daughters were being pressured by the registered nurse at the front desk to wear a mask against our sincerely held religious beliefs. I brought the hospital's patient bill of rights which exempts those who have sincerely held religious beliefs from policies created in hospitals that conflict with an individual's religious beliefs and practices. The woman at the front desk ignored both my religious conflict against mask wearing when i explained it to her, and the patient's bill of rights paper when i handed it to them at the counter. Instead, she falsely accused me of violating other people's rights at the clinic for not wearing a mask. Paranoid people at a Clinic are not a protected class. Religious people are a protected class. Her argument makes no sense.

I, nor my family can veil our faces based on our sincerely held religious beliefs, and based on the patients bill of rights we cannot be denied treatment period. After arguing back and forth. The Doctor granted us access and saw my daughter. This is the second time i go to that clinic and have this problem with the staff. Both times i have told them that i can't veil my face, nor the face of my family members because of our sincerely held religious beliefs. This kind of harrasment needs to stop.

Ladies and Gentlemen. SoMeeans and none SoMeeans. A huge win for those as i fighting for R
