It is really funny how this Covid B.S has gone in the past 3 years. So, here we go. In t
It is really funny how this Covid B.S has gone in the past 3 years.
So, here we go. In the year 2020, Trump Rushes the Cooties Cocktail. Democrats oppose the Cooties Cocktail and Republicans call Democrats Anti Vaxx Conspiracy Theorists and assert that the Cooties Prevention shot was safe.
Democrats fought to shut the country and economy down because of Cooties. While Republicans wanted to keep the country and economy running. Democrats exaggerated the number of Covid deaths. Through their fake mainstream media of fear mongering fools, they brainwashed just as much Democrats as Republicans that Covid was a pandemic.
Trump rolled with Rhinos and Democrats and decided to shut everything down. Things went wrong and he ended up changing his mind.
Biden wins the Presidency. After he wins Democrats start to force the Cooties Cocktail and Republicans little by little lose trust in the Cocktail. Democrats violate the rights of Employees by forcing Employers through the OSHA to infring their constitutional and religious rights by forcing the Cooties Cocktail. The Lawsuits began. Many Employees lost their jobs, career and livelihood thanks to Democrats who supposedly run for the interest of the poor and middle class. They however showed their true colors by instead persecuting the poor and middle class.
Things get even funnier. Democrats continued exaggerating and lying about Covid deaths, masks being effective and the need for cooties prevention shots. Republicans on the other hand were saying that cooties was not as dangerous as the mainstream media was making it seem, and a lot less than a 1% deaths in the population did not merit lockdowns.
Democrats could not longer substantiate their Covid death lie, so instead they started talking about the miracle cooties drug and how it can save people from dying. This Cooties miracle inoculation will prevent people from catching cooties and from giving it to others. Yay, no more masks for Cooties Cultists. Well, as we know that proved to be a lie and the Cooties Cultists continued believing the Democrats new light and contradictory narrative.
Fast forward, and people start dying in high numbers from the inoculation. Democrats continue in bed with big pharma saying the Cooties Prevention shot is killing a very small amount of people. Does this remind you of the same argument Republicans were using about the Cooties killing a very small amount of people? The Democrats seemed to care so much about all lives that they were willing to shutdown the entire economy do to cooties fear. Now the Democrats no longer care about all lives because the Cooties Prevention Shot is so much more important than the lives of people.
Many Republicans have now demonstrated the amount of deaths and injuries these cooties prevention shots are causing. More lawsuits are originating as we speak. Republicans are legislating anti-cooties cocktail state laws and the prosecution of big pharma criminals that decieved the people for years.
I am neither Democrat nor Republican. However, in the past few years, i have seen much more honesty from Republicans. Democrats for years were against Central Bankers, Big Pharma and Wasltreet. Democrats are the biggest liars and Hypocrites. They were paid off by Walstreet, Big Tech and Big Pharma and now they are in bed with all of them. Bloomberg put 100 million dollars in each battle ground state for Biden. Bloomber did more for Biden's presidential election than any Democrat did.
[It is really funny how this Covid B.S has gone in the past 3 years.
So, here we go. In t](