I have great news for fellow Floridians and for those fighting for their rights to practic

I have great news for fellow Floridians and for those fighting for their rights to practice their religion free from coercion and discrimination.

The State Legislator pulled the hears of abusive Employers such as the University of Miami and their incompetent Human Resource Departments, and passed a stricter law, not allowing Employers to inquire into the veracity of an Employees religious beliefs.

I've attached this letter so all of you can see it. This is the letter we need to provide our Employers going forward which notifies them of our legal and federal exemption.

Employers by Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are entitled to a limited inquiry into the facts of whether an employee's beliefs are sincere or not.

An example of this is an Employer asks the employee what is the conflict between your religious beliefs and taking the Kuddies prevention shot? The Employee responds I have an immune system given by God and I am not permitted to alter it. The Employer says thank you and that's it, the Employer's question has been addressed. Now the Employer is entitled to reasonably accommodate the employee.

But that is not what was happening in Florida nor in many other States. Employers were asking intrusive Questions like, who is your religious leader? We need a letter from your religious leader or congregation. Have you taken other shots before? Have you taken Aspirin or Pepto Bismal since you where 18 years of age?

None of those things have anything to do with your sincerely held religious beliefs and on top that violates Federal Laws that prohibits an Employer from requesting excessive and corroborating evidence calling it harassment and retaliation. It is clear from Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act that religious beliefs do not have to be comprehensible nor consistent. You can hold religious beliefs that no one in your congregation recognizes and they are still valid as stated in Title 7. Those stupid questions about you having taken shots in the past, or certain medications that have Chemicals that are similar or the same as the Kuddies prevention shot are irrelevant and would be thrown out in Court. What you did and believed in the past has nothing to do with what you do and believed now.

Precisely because of shady law firms teaching employers through webinars about skirting the law and how to deny employees their accommodations through intrusive questioning, is the reason why a State Law has been passed here in Florida that does not allow Employers to inquire into the veracity of an Employees religious beliefs. Employers were harassing employees and retaliating against them.


I apologize. We were given a form as you can see not a letter lol. I mistakenly put letter. I think the letter I wrote to them was on my mind or something when I said that lol. I've tried to edit it but no luck.
