Good afternoon my SoMeean brothers and sisters. There are things that are a no no on Monet

Good afternoon my SoMeean brothers and sisters. There are things that are a no no on Monetized Social Media that i would like to make many of you aware of.

What we have here is a business everyone. This is not facebook, twitter nor facebook's instagram where your informations is stolen and sold to third parties for profits, and shit posting is ok since you aren't really running a business.

Please do not use your accounts to spam in order to farm Hive, SME nor any other layer 2 tokens such as SME. When you do that you are not taking your business seriously.

The amount of shit posting i have seen in the platform, and excuse my language please, is astronomical, as i scroll down for hours. The Hive Community keeps a very close eye on us because of the amount of poor quality content some of us provide here. And considering the fact that i have compared the content other communities create to ours, i would argue that they are right.

If this is the way you think you should treat your business? Than so be it. Don't complain later that your account has been blacklisted and downvoted all over Hive. Yes, i am against some of the accounts that don't shit post yet got flagged and their reputation scores were destroyed by downvoters unfairly.

However, there are many somee accounts that consistently spam pure garbage, who's reputation scores have been driven to zero and rightfully so. It is a bad look for us as a platform to have people just spam whatever garbage they find on the internet to farm rewards. This is not how businesses are runned everyone. Your content needs to be quality content and not stolen from someone else. And if you can't do that, just use your voting power to contribute to other people that create quality content and use the comment section to share your opinions. The comment section gets rewarded as well and you won't have all of the eyes on you for engaging there.

Please treat your accounts as business and provide quality to others so others may grow and learn. Providing quality does not mean taking what some guy said on a site and copying him word for word and taking credit for that. That is theft not quality. Same with the Memes and Images people post which violate copyright laws as they don't give credit to the creators of the ideas. Hive is fantastic that they even allow you to use Memes just as long as you source them through google image search ect.. The Hive Watchers will never flag you for having your Memes sourced even if your post is extremely short.

Going forward, i would like to see the majority of us SoMeeans posting quality content. If you see content that isn't quality getting rewarded. Do not be ashamed to downvote those and return the rewards back to the SoMee pool. Those rewards that many who game the system are farming deplete everyone's SME earnings. Basically, people that are farming through gaming the system and theft are stealing your rewards. Please let me know if you see people doing this stuff and i'll help you in downvoting, thus kicking their rewards back to the SoMee pool so many more people that deserve it benefit from our daily SME rewards.
Good afternoon my SoMeean brothers and sisters. There are things that are a no no on Monet


And if you can't do that, just use your voting power to contribute to other people that create quality content and use the comment section to share your opinions.

How about if the whales are the ones doing it? When I think of microblogging, the first two Hive platforms that came to mind were #DBuzz and #SoMee. That is why when I heard that #LeoThreads was coming, I was wondering how this would be different. Now, I know.


Oh definitely. The Whales are also doing it as well. Whales that are abusing the system are consistently getting downvoted by Hive Accounts. I have warned everyone in my content various times about following the rules. Many Whales are making us look very bad.

But with SoMee, it isn't only the few Whales in existence that are doing this. We have a ton of small accounts that are being upvoted by SME whales that are consistently spamming all sorts of google images, stolen material or details copied from an article online. It completely drives me crazy to see this stuff going on. Please check your feed on when you have a chance. Most of those accounts have beaten up reputations but they don't care. They continue to farm SME, which isn't fair for people like you who post great content and deserve as much SME as possible.


So that is why I came to the conclusion that the application of POB mechanism depends on the discretion of each tribe. There are tribes that are very strict. They don't allow self voting and that's why I don't use their tags. In other tribes, there are no such rules, but I think the majority sentiment is against it and that's the reason I refrain from voting my posts except in a few occasion when I don't receive upvotes for my posts.


Yeah, their should not be any rules on self voting at all. If Hive cared about self voting, they would have created the Platform in a way that self upvoting wouldn't be possible.


That's one reason why I withdrew from one tribe and remained in Cent. I think they don't care much about self voting for small accounts. The issue is with bigger accounts.

In real life, though it might appear egoistic, voting for oneself is acceptable.


I just learn to accept the reality that in most tribes, quality matter. In SoMee, if it is a microblogging platform like #DBuzz and #LeoThreads, I think no problem. I think the issue is receiving huge upvotes for micro posting while long form content doesn't receive any attention because the creator either has little stakes or lacks connection.


Very well said Grey i believe some post in here especially in somee community are just been spammed lot of cases of copy and paste from other platforms.


I have downvoted after warning users. I do it as often as I can to keep the platform clean. One couple was bild enough to claim they retroaktivt of the development of Somee and they would have me kicked outfit warning THEM about stealing images from internet and post as their own.

The stupidity has No boundries. But I think it takes more people do like u and me to change the culture a bit…
