Fake Media Outlet New York Post announce that one of their Cultic leaders Nancy Pelosi is


Fake Media Outlet New York Post announce that one of their Cultic leaders Nancy Pelosi is Cooties positive because their Religious Rite and failed medical experiment called PCR Test says Nancy Pelosi is Cooties Positive but Asymptomatic.

How many freaking times do I have to repeat that Asymptomatics do not exist? The Cooties Cult wants to mislead you into believing in such nonsense as Asymptomatics that way you become an easy target for Canonization into their Cult.

I'll show you how stupid the Cooties Cult really thinks you and I are.

  1. Would a Cooties Doctor check your ankle if you insisted to him that you believe your ankle may be broken but you had no symptoms and no cause for a broken ankle?

  2. Would you walk in Crutches or in a boot because you believe your foot, or ankle or both are broken even though you have no symptoms?

  3. Would you go to a Cooties Doctor to have him check your arm because you believe you have a broken arm but are asymptomatic?

  4. Would you beg a Cooties Doctor to Cast your arm because you think it's broken but have no symptoms?

There is a medical term for people who think they are sick but are not. It is called Hypochondria. See brothers and sisters, the Cooties Cult wants to create as many Hypochondriacs as they possibly can because it is an extremely strategic way of weakening our Nation. Do not let them fool you. You do not have broken collarbones, noses, eye sockets, ankles, wrists and legs without symptoms.


I think the post just reports what the communicator from the white house channels down to media. They wanna ramp up the Covid stuff again. The post pushed the Hunter Laptop story but got censored, so I think over all their intentions and reporting looks legit ..compared to the others in NY DC area
