Cooties Cult behind the Russia, Ukraine news.
Breaking: United States Cooties Cult involved, and are the perpetrators of the Ukraine and Russian war.
The Russians have struck down 8 U.S powered Cooties bio labs in Ukraine. No wonder all of the Nazi Cooties Social Media outlets are taking down this information instantly. No wonder the fake news media outlets are trying hard to make it seem as if it's the end of the world in Ukraine. Remember, the American Media is being controlled by Cooties Cultists and it cannot be trusted.
The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location?
The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location?
Saw great info this morning. USA payed 5bn to topple the election in 2014 and tTord to start a war in Chrimea and CIA agents were found. Not Only that... they trained nazis also... today Putin had a speech and mentioned these neonazis and massmedia says it is lies... Fuck me... what if Putin is the one doing right thing and media is all lies...