Another great day for me here at work. Always thinking about my people here on SoMee and H

Another great day for me here at work. Always thinking about my people here on SoMee and Hive. It is why i always have something Anti-Socialist to say, that way your eyes are open and you are equipted properly to discern Collective Control of the means of production (Socialism). Yes, the Collective has been hiding this from you, and have provided lots of pseudo definitions to keep you in the dark about what real Socialism actually is. That is why they say bullshit like Hitler was a Capitalist and get away with it. The reason is because very few know what real socialism actually is, and assume that real socialism is for the workers, even though the worker element doesn't even appear in its definiton.

The Collective have tried everything in their power to keep you from knowing what real Socialism is. Other Methods they have used for example are indoctrinations through our Phony State Controlled Public School System. They have brainwashed our Children in Believing Worker Control of the Means of Production (Marxism) is good, while Private Indvidual Control of the Means of Production (Capitalism) is bad and associate it with greed. We have already seen Marxism in action, and it is in fact even worse than other Socialist Systems.

Enacting a Revolution that leads to an overthrow of one Public Sector State, to cure it with the installment of a Marxist worker owned economy is even worse. It led to the Starvation and death of millions of people in the Soviet Union. It is exactly why Mussolini abandoned it and made his own Marxist Socialist Syndicalist regime and ended the worker vs their bosses war Marxism brought about through the Soviet Union in Italy. The reason for this is because Marxism and its cousin National Socialism, are the worse Socialist systems to implement.

How in the world for example does my car belong to the Mechanic i paid to fix it? I paid the Mechanic to fix my car. I paid him for a service. He doesn't own my car, i own it. The Marxist illogic is that the workers should own the businesses because they do all of the hard work, and the Business owners do not. This is a completely flawed and beyond stupid ideology. Another flaw in this ideology is that ceasing the means of production through theft, and having the (Worker Collective) run businesses, is some how a very good idea. Well, history has shown us that it isn't a good idea at all. Workers are not business oriented, and are very likely to screw everything up. That is why they are workers. Workers do not own the business. They provide the necessary service for the business.

Once the worker class that ceased the means of production takes power. They are no longer the workers, but the State and rulling class. This is precisely what we saw in the Soviet Union with Lenin, and how one Socialist State, fell hard to Marxist Socialist revolutionist thugs. Nothing got better from replacing the Socialist Evil system the Tzars had, with the Marxist one Lenin brought. We can actually make a case that things got worse instead.

So, the B.S Socialist ideas our Children are being taught in Public Schools, are a mixture of National Socialism, which is (Race Socialism), with Class/Gender Socialism. I call it Race/Gender Marxism. These ideas as we saw with both Nazi Germany, and the Marxist Soviet Union, are the implemented ideas that led to the Starvation and death of millions of people. The economy in those countries imploded, and Marxism/National Socialism completely failed.
Another great day for me here at work. Always thinking about my people here on SoMee and H


The socialists I know would always find an excuse that the world has not yet tried "real" socialism. Those that failed in the past were not socialist at all. I wonder how many dead bodies they need for them to abandon this philosophy of waste, death, and chaos.


Yeah sure.. Like if Lenin and Stalin weren't Socialist SMH. They love to play the its not real Socialism card. The one I've heard them use is the State Capitalism one, as if Capitalism (Private Individual Control of his/her economy) can simultaneously be the Collective Public Sector State SMH.

Everything they say is a freaking contradiction man. From the Anarcho Syndicalism, to Anarcho Communist to State Capitalism. All of it is Oxymoronic. Take Anarcho Syndicalism and Anarcho Communism for example. How in the world can Anarchism which is Anti-Government be the Government? Syndicates are Government Controlled Trade Unions. The Anarcho part just doesn't fit lol.


1/ This reminds me of Marxist intellectuals that specialize in dialectic philosophy and try to reconcile two contradicting principles. One example is the idea of "anti-communist liberalism," which is oxymoronic too.


Funny that you mentioned these Marxist intelectuals. Yesterday i read about 30 minutes of the largest Marxist article in history explaining State Capitalism. It was literally a waste of my life, and the glaring contradictions are easy to expose. They don't realize for some reason that their fight is not against Capitalism, but against another branch of Socialism that promises nothing to the workers. They call this State Capitalism when the proper term is Socialism. When the State has ownership or control of the means of production, it is clearly by definiton socialism. It is not Capitalism!

Posted using SoMee


1/ Just like their master, they don't really understand the basic features of capitalist society such as mass production, mass consumption, consumer sovereignty, freedom, economic democracy, and social mobility.


2/ See two quotes from Mises that show that the economic understanding of the followers of Marx applauded as sophisticated in the academe is in reality immature and naive:

They have no greater perception of the essentials of economic life than the errand boy, whose only idea of the work of the entrepreneur is that he covers pieces of paper with letters and figures (Socialism, p. 189).



In its most fundamental contentions Marxism has never risen above the level of a doctrine for the soap box orator (Socialism, p. 305).


2/ Have you also heard about "untotalitarian totalitarianism"? They are really "creative" and "innovative" when it comes to inventing new terminology.


3/ They claim to fight communism and yet promote central planning and welfarism.


4/ They are like the Reds now hiding behind environmental advocacy. The word "watermelon" ideology is really suitable for them. They are green outside but remain red deep within.


5/ This is how Ludwig von Mises describes these intellectuals in his book, The Anticapitalistic Mentality:

They pretend to reject the revolutionary and dictatorial aspirations of the 'Reds' and at the same time they praise in books and magazines, in schools and universities, Karl Marx, the champion of the communist revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat, as one of the greatest economists, philosophers and sociologists and as the eminent benefactor and liberator of mankind. They want to make us believe that untotalitarian totalitarianism, a kind of a triangular square, is the patent medicine for all ills" (p. 112).


Did u see James Lindsey’s rant in the European Union how woke = Marxism. Really good explanation!
