A battle between States that Force their Citizens to bow to the Collective.


So, we have Gaza. Which is controlled by a religious warmongering collective that forces individuals they control to bow to them. They tend to always cause a problems with another State, that also has a strong grip on the economy, and very little freedom for the individual. When the individual cannot control his own economy, and is forced to give up much of his/her earnings in the form of Taxes to the Public State, rather than it being volunteered. What you have is slavery. When the individual cannot choose between taking a state required vaccine! Then what you have is Socialism, which is State Control of the means of production.

Then you have the involment of other States worldwide, the United States in this example, defending the Gaza oppressors through their fake media outlets and Activist disguised as journalist in order to cause more divisions, wars, more exporting of debt to countries that are conquered, and more strangulation of the economies and markets. Socialism 101 it is!


Meme Source: https://markhumphrys.com/gaza.st.html
