Starheart : A Freewrite

In the unchartered depths of the cosmos, the searchers were aware that their mission was ongoing. Perpetual was the battle against evil forces aiming to diminish the harmonious unleashing of benevolence.

Torreto, Damiana, and Erebos were cosmic caretakers of empathy; a ray of trust which would light up even the deepest of night. The link between them had transmogrified into an infinite cosmic affair - an astral harmony that connected mind and heart by mutual understanding.

The aspirants of the Starheart rocketed through the cosmos, their concerto of sympathy transpiring through each stellar body and world. They were luminous celestial beings, eternally connected by the unyielding bond of mindfulness, for they comprehended that the strength of compassion would persevere in the boundlessness of both time and space.
