The power of contentment


It's a beautiful day and thursday from this end. Towards the break of the day, i heard in my heart contentment and to stir the burden more we still discussed on contentment with my family this morning.
One of trending thing i noticed about life presently in my beloved country Nigeria is lack of contentment. Infact this word isn't new but really eat up people like whirlfire. The desire of every upcoming young man or woman is make it to the top not minding the process involved.

Life is governed by principles and process. In an attempt to alter one the consequences affects such an individual grossly. As a life coach and youth leader, i have had the privilege to counsel many youths and you couod see the passion in them but some don't know how to harness this passion to productive value that can be appreciated with a token.

what's contentment?

It's a situation where an individual is satisfied and can derive pleasure from an endeavour. Contentment is a state which one is happy and satisfied. The critical thing about humans is the ability to attain maximum satisfaction. When this becomes difficult, the alternative route is to break the hedge of contentment.

Indicators of contentment

At times one might feel that he's contentment not until a tough situation comes. Every true contentment must be tested either directly or indirectly. Let me quickly highlight few indicators or attributes of contentment.

  • Sacrifice. This is a great pinter which reveals the degree of one's satisfaction in a thing. Are you pleased with what you have or do? Does it excites you? Not as if you are ingreat or not thankful over situation but you can't afford to let go some things. You feel you should have everything. At times when there's no sacrifice, one might sort for devious means to earn a thing.
  • Another inspiring point or attributes of contentment is Discipline. Show me someone that is contented and I will show you a man that is discipline. It takes discipline to exercise contentment because the temptation to yield to pressure, trends are just enormous but a discipline heart will be resolute and be satisfied with what you have. Most families in this region tear apart because there's no contentment.
  • Humility is a virtue that depicts someone that is contented. You don't show just to proof a point but you're just humble.

Lack of contentment could lead to;

  • Cheating and high deception
  • It can lead to suicidal act
  • It can cause depression
  • It can increase high blood pressure
  • It leads to greedy lifestyle.


Contentment is a virtue of greatness and capacity to command more results and followership. Many leaders derailed in the cause of life's journey due to the lack of contentment. Be contented with what you have and more would you receive in due course.
See you at the top.

I will be glad to receive your comments. All pictures are mine please. Stay safe.


Contentment is a strong ingredient that everyone needs in nice. Nice post


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 181 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
