
Hi lovely people,
With great joy, I wish to welcome you to my blog, and special thanks to the entire management of this beautiful community for their consistency in ensuring that the weekly engagement is a reality.
Welcome to my entry for week 67 edition 2 with the focus on the impromptu test which I decided to title I had to write the test suddenly.

At one point or another one would have had a sudden encounter, especially on school days when different evaluations are carried out to ensure that one is properly checked. I want to share with you what transpired when one of my lecturers stepped into the class and declared a test. I have been a consistent student that never absconds from classes, unlike others. Because of my commitment, I was made a class representative for a couple of years. During my reign, there was physical change recorded that made most of my mates insist that I won't drop from a position.

There was this day I woke up early in the morning to be amongst the first sets of students to class but I had to struggle that day because of the intensity of cold therefore my last option was to pick my blanket to the class so that I can cover myself to reduce the effects of the weather.

I was so excited that least a new day was set before me but can't just forget because this lecturer that stepped in suddenly and requested that we year a sheet of paper, write our names and matriculation number. Hmmm it was as if I was dreaming but this is reality that has set before me. My big question was, how would this man just step in and start the class with a ten minutes test? Haba he should have given a prior notification.

Like play I saw the whole class quiet in few minutes and just heard the sound of pen rattling over the class. I started cracking my brain, the ceiling wasn't enough for me to look upon. I never knew I could write something that such a lecturer could read however God helped me to drop about two to three pages and before they could say submit I had already resolved in my heart to step forward to submit.
I humbly submitted but thank God I never allowed the hurt to linger for a while so that I can have a clear mind for the subsequent lectures.


I learnt a lot from that experience of I would like to point few outstanding one thus;

  • One must be prepared at anytime for test or exams. You mustn't be informed before you write a test. When preparation meets opportunity certainly there would be great output of results.
  • To be an outstanding student, one must redeem time and have a planned schedule to avoid further sudden demand from the school. When you don't devout adequate time to a thing don't expect any good results.
  • Most at time impromptu test or exams helps to boost students academic performance by keeping them checked all the time by so doing there would be deliberate efforts to study and reading.
  • It's commonly said that readers are leaders therefore impromptu test helps to prepare one's leadership qualities by being informed and at alert for any eventuality that could rise against the subject.

thanks for reading through my post and I appreciate all the comments.

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 161 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


Impromptu test are always a charge to help us study ahead of time and always be prepared for anything.

Life itself is a test and in everything we do, we should brace up ourselves in case a test comes.
