Splinterlands art contest / Graphite drawing of Dwarven Wizard



Hello everyone,
I'm back with another splinterlands art contest post and today i would be making my entry with a graphite drawing of the character Dwarven Wizard. This would be the first time of me seeing a Dwarf being a Wizard, i had the thought from movies and story books that wizards are tall and old but this has proven that wrong. In every way i had to make this character looks bold and scary. He had show how dangerous he could be and I'm glad i achieved it.


Dwarven Wizard

This drawing was done using a 10B Bianyo pencil and was drew on an A4 paper. Lately i started drawing again and it feels really good. First of all i made the rough sketch then i added through starting from the left eyes, like i said in my past post i started from the left to the right to avoid smudging the image. After i had drawing out the eyes i did the beards with was one of my favorite parts of the drawing and i enjoyed every part of it. If you can look at the second to the last step you can see i used cross hatching shading technique then i used scrumbling shading technique for the final touch. My favourite parts art the eyes and beards the make the image look dramatic. I'm really glad the drawing went well. Thank you all so much for reading my post i really appreciate your support.

  • Procedure






Feel free to drop your comments as I would love to read and reply them all, thank you so much.
