Splinterlands Art Contest Week 328; Vruz

If you can remember when I shared my Splinterlands Art entry last Thursday or Friday I complained about being clueless when it came to the background. After much thought over the weekend, I decided that it was this poor background execution that made the curation on that piece meager even though I got some positive feedback. As you well know, I am one that takes improvement seriously so this week one of the things I prioritized before picking a Splinterlands card was to paint one that has an ‘easy to come up with’ background.
In the past years, Vruz (today’s character) has made its way into my entries a couple of time but never digitally. This time I thought to make it realistic to that effect and have him exiting a mind with a modern backpack strip instead of a bag of Gold.
This is one of the digital pieces I have really enjoyed painting in recent times and as such, I would like your take on it.
The process....
Thanks for the visit friends, I really appreciate it.
Thanks for sharing! - @isaria