Splinterlands Art Contest Week 320; Cabalist

If you go through some of my Splinterlands entry posts for the past few weeks you would notice that I stated my desire to explore new mediums a forms of drawings. Sadly, there’s been a lot of meetings at my workplace, meetings I have to attend and they take a chunk of my time. This week though even with the little time I had I decided to make something special, a little different from what I used to do. The concept is not far fetched though but this time I made sure to pay attention to details more and not just finish the sketch. The aim was to enjoy the process.
As a result of this resolution, I took each process very seriously and know that if I were using an updated gadget the result would be near 3D. The reference I used was one library I got from an artist on Pinterest. I didn’t think much of it at the time and because of the posture and the finger on the back of her lips I never believed I would be using it anytime soon. At least not until I saw the Cabalist and how the Runes reflected on his body and face. I knew I could make something of these two figures then, all I had to do was have a solid lineart.
After drawing the lineart and making sure it was in order, I followed my usual process and saw the sketch to an end. I was tempted to drive this character into the dark with only the Runes on her hand serving as light but I felt that was what my brother Timothy would do so I settled for this.
The process….
Thank you for taking time off your busy schedules to check out my work, it’s duly appreciated.
Thanks for sharing! - @isaria