Splinterlands Art Contest week 312; Runemancer Florre

Runemancer Florre9.png

Runemancer Florre is a remarkable figure and I honestly have been waiting for some time to find the perfect reference. The phoenix that hovers about her was instead adopted as the background. At first I wanted to make the bird rest on her shoulder but the day past and by the second time I confronted the sketch, it was a whole new ballgame. I don’t know much about the character but I tried expressing the personality I perceived the best way I could.

This time and with the kind of simple reference I got I was able to do a little touch up and even tried hitting some spots I have been missing for some weeks. The color buildup as well as the posture says a lot (if you know what I mean). Please forgive the eyes.


Runemancer Florre9.png

the process....
Runemancer Florre.png

Runemancer Florre1.png

Runemancer Florre2.png

Runemancer Florre3.png

Runemancer Florre4.png

Runemancer Florre5.png

Runemancer Florre6.png

Runemancer Florre7.png

Runemancer Florre8.png

Runemancer Florre9.png

I appreciate the visit friends, thanks for stopping by.
