Holozing Fanart; Light Healer

Light Healer9.png

My last fanart wasn't too exceptional and I didn't like that fact. At the time I hadn't broken through the hurdle of numerous characters as I stated in my last post. After I shared it however, I combed through some other entries including that of my brothers' and in them I found option. One of the first that really drew my attention was the Light and Forest Healer. I chose to do the light first as I very well knew coming up with a background (which is usually my problem) wouldn't be much of a heartache.

After the selection, I quickly went through my gallery to find a suitable reference with which I could adapt this character. Though there were many options, my mind moved towards one particular lineart I used months back for one of my pieces. I opened it up, reshaped it (this took longer than I anticipated, if I had known, I would have gone with a clean slate lol) and filled in the blanks. Adding the skin tone wasn't a problem so I used the same one as in the piece I mentioned earlier.

If you look closely in between, you would notice some discrepancies in the process especially in the hair placement by your right. I had to just fill it in having noticed that my proportion for the body wasn't right. The improvisation was beautiful though since the final result turned out great. What do you think?

images (16) (1).jpeg

Light Healer9.png

These are the outlines....
Light Healer.png

Light Healer1.png

Light Healer2.png

Light Healer3.png

Light Healer4.png

Light Healer5.png

Light Healer6.png

Light Healer7.png

Light Healer8.png

Light Healer9.png

Its been a pleasure hosting you friends, thanks for the visit.
