An Anonymous Graphite Portrait

At this point I guess I'll just have to talk about my day as I noticed I have exhausted my written speeches for aged portraits. Before I drew this portrait, I finished off one orchestration project I had been writing for weeks now. The song was a negro spiritual and doesn't go too well with the typical kind of sounds I listen to or write. So I had to do a lot of reading, listening, re-listening and watching before I could come up with something unique and it kind of drained me.
That's one of the major reasons I wasn't active. The sad thing was that I didn't finish the song ontime so the orchestra didn't rehearse before performance. Christmas is around the corner and I've been getting some music related gigs that requires loads of time.
And now for the sketch, notice how I payed attention to the part of the cap directly above the face, more of that depth is coming..
The outlines....
Thanks for the visit folks, it truly is appreciated.