A Quick Drawing of ' Ebenezer Scrooge'

The story of Ebenezer Scrooge is truly a fascinating one. The major downside to it and probably the all-time downside is that the publishing and film company practice the same act...lol
I however learnt from his story that nothing really matters especially when wealth is concerned. You can lose it all in a moment even with close monitoring so I try as much as possible to live and have fun every now and then even with strict deadline cause in the end, none of those things will stop if I die....life goes on.
I made the whole drawing with my 10B Bianyo as usual, feel free to leave your comments below..
These are the outlines....
Thanks for spending your time with me.
See you tomorrow.
That expression...haha😆
So true.
Great job, my friend. I congratulate you.
Thanks friend.