Meeting the Devil!



Nobody in their right senses will want to meet the devil.
Yet we see some folks that are in contract with the devil. These ones have not only met him but are constantly meeting the Devil.

The Devil is a supposed creature that tagged as a villain, and he is associated with everything that is bad in this world. When something goes wrong, it is blamed on the devil. When someone does something bad, his first excuse is that the devil made him do it.

People with wicked habits and character are usually tagged as devil too, especially when the act is devilish.

Having said this, do you think anyone would want to meet with this guy?
Clearly not anyone in their right senses.

People seeking power or one evil thing or the other actually crave to meet him. Some spend their life worshipping him.

We all have our choices to make, some better than others. But we cannot judge the choice of other people.
