#Tagme Day 3 Challenge by JED #Fast #Furious #Free #Zoom Had a more than 600 km back-and-

#Tagme Day 3 Challenge by JED





Had a more than 600 km back-and-forth ride from Pampanga to Sagada then Mt. Pulag (3rd highest mountain in the Philippines) via Halselma Highway (among the most dangerous road of the country). No time to lose so we need to be quick and FAST. We reached the jump-off station but due to heavy rains and FURIOUS weather at the peak, we were not allowed to hike. To seal the journey, we delighted ourselves with a luscious lunch with FREE soup before we went home. What a great travel! https://somee.social/posts/634016
[#Tagme Day 3 Challenge by JED

Had a more than 600 km back-and-](https://somee.social/posts/634016)
