15 Years ago GTA 4 was released. Brand new adventures inside of the crime world. I had so


15 Years ago GTA 4 was released. Brand new adventures inside of the crime world. I had so much fun with it. Exploring the world, Tune in a radio station that I like, steal cars and try to escape the cops. Yesterday I decided to buy GTA 5 and play again with it. Again So much fun and enjoyable. What is so addictive inside of the GTA series? GTA is like a big mac at Macdonal’s. Is it to be a sociopath, try to become the biggest criminal in the game, watching the broken society that Rockstar wants to show us. Rockstars did a good job of animating this world that is San Andreas. All the things that you are not allowed to do in society this game sometimes can be satisfying just to let go your frustration instead of doing dum things in real life.
15 Years ago GTA 4 was released. Brand new adventures inside of the crime world. I had so


GTA is one of the best games ever

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