mass indoctrination day 13

Hello everyonw

Welcome to my post

it was a nice and a pretty good learn when i join day 13 mass indoctrination. i am very happy that i joined it.

Instead of to worship the one true God, you waste your time to worship mary, by so doing, you made her a false god.

You should not worship another god that is not Almighty God. you should not worship mary. do not pray to mary. Mary worshipped Christ.

you should know that it is abomination for you if you eat food that is offered to other gods. understand that the god of muslim is different frrom the God of christians.

throughout the world, there are many gods that exists. India people worship many things, they worship cows, some worship rats. some people worship their fellow human being. the bible has told you that it is an abomination if you join them and worship animals and other things, instead of the one true God.

in the Quran of the muslim, Surah 112:1-4 says that the god of muslim was not begotten, and he did not begot any child.

it is different from the God of Christians. in Psalm 2:7, it says that tthe God of christians was not begotten but he begotted a son.

many people believe that men do not have the ability to give birth. it is a wrong belief because males give birth too.
if you look at the seahorse, you will see that the male seahorse is the one that gets pregnant and give birth. they do this is in a very unique way.

the son of God has been begotten before the earth was created.
the book of John tell us that in the begining was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. This is to show that the wordhas been with God from the onset of creation.

In the book of Hebrews, God said, this day have i begotten you. the birth of Crist was planned before he was put in Mary. Mary was a vessel that completed the birth of Christ.

When Christ was in the bossom of God, he was a God already. He is called the only begotten God.

It is an abormination for you to eat any food that was offered to other gods. the muslim have their god, same as the jews and buddish.

if you see any food that bears the sign of the gods, then you should run away from such food because it has been offered to their god already.

some of the signs are the hallal mark and the kusher mark. flee away from the foods that have such mark.

some bible passage are:

Acts 10:14
1 corinthians 8:7
Hebrews 10:5
John 17:5 & 24
Revelations 19:13
John 1:14
John 1:1-3
Psalm 2:7
Galatians 4:8

thank you
