Eragon, Chapters 45-48


Beor Mountains


Hadarac Desert



The Hadarac Desert

A Path Revealed

A Clash of Wills

Flight Through the Valley

These chapters were fairly gritty and intense. A lot of travel and challenges. Still being pursued and trying to find the Varden. It's crazy just how many details in general I forgot about Eragon.

These chapters provided a lot of depth about some very important core characters. We finally get to hear the elf speak and learn her name, which is Arya. Well, only Eragon hears her and it's purely telepathic. Still we get to learn just how abstract, alien, and magical elves can really be. Powerful creatures indeed. Elves are so cool LOL.

We also learn just how different Murtagh is compared to Eragon. To this point, Eragon and Murtagh are mostly similar. There are some distinct differences but slowly it is seen just how different they are. Murtagh is much more of a grown man mentally and much more serious and intense at times. Arguably even more wise....

BUT I emphasize arguably. Eragon and Murtagh seem to have differing philosophies at this stage. While not absolutely not night and day different, still quite obviously different. I feel as though many of these differences come from Eragon's lack of life experience. Eragon has seen a lot in these months but, Murtagh has seen quite a lot himself. Murtagh is quite relatable in his own way.

The cast of characters entering the Beor Mountains is way more fun and fantastical than I recalled. What a simple, yet amazing place those mountains are. They seem to have their own style, versus the setting the elves live in. Just so cool and I have barely really read TOO much about them. Just amazing.

Flight Through The Valley ends with an awesome cliff hanger when Murtagh reveals the identity of his father to be none other than the notoriously evil former Rider Morzan!!! It explains why Murtagh has been so on edge, and why he'd rather avoid the Varden. Explains a lot about Murtagh frankly.

I am approaching the end of Eragon and this has been wonderful! I want to keep trucking!!



I need to get my kids to read these.


Oh for sure!!! They will love it. Amazing stuff, can't wait to get to Eldest!
