Eragon, Chapters 25-28



These four chapters were once again outstanding. I wish I could just read faster sometimes but, I am enjoying the ride. Books are so powerful. Symbols on a page, just waiting for a reader to immerse themselves within the sheets of paper. I hope to one day have a glorious library myself. That would be amazing.

Chapters 25-28

An Old Friend

This was more of a gossipy, mysterious chapter.

The Witch and the Werecat



Now this chapter may have been my favorite one of the entire book so far. Angela is a legend, as well as Solembum of course! This chapter made me want to plow through and read the rest of the series in that moment, but of course this will take some time. SPOILER It's crazy how Angela basically straight up summarizes a lot of the whole series with her fortune telling! Ugh, and the whole method of how she does it was so cool, Solembum is also a legend with his own abilities and predictions. Seriously epic and important chapter. Man it's been so long since I read Eragon!

Of Reading and Plots

What I love about this chapter is that, amongst all of Eragon's lessons, learning to read takes just as much priority as his magic learning, and sword fighting training, and Rider training.

Thieves in the Castle

This was an excellent, fun chapter too, filled with suspense, and intrigue. Jeod breaks out the map and, learning of the whole world and it's other lands is pretty exciting.

Just knowing how good Eldest and the rest of the series gets, man, Eragon is such an intriguing, important installment. I'll be curious to see what my favorite book of the series is once I'm done. Before this re-read I'd say Inheritance is my favorite but, we'll see if I change my mind. Still gotta read Murtagh too but, these will always be the main four of course!
