Eragon, Chapters 21-24



The amount of pure joy these books give me cannot be overstated. I feel so grateful to have read them at a younger age. I keep saying I wish I hadn't waited so long to read these books but, now I'm thinking it's perfect that I hadn't. Reading them now is everything, I need this.

Chapters 21-24


Every town Eragon, Brom, and Saphira run into seems to have bad news, just a ton of negativity. Saphira begins to feel frustrated at not being involved and hiding, her strong personality begins to show more.

Through A Dragon's Eye

Eragon riding with Saphira for the first time while not being in danger or a rush, was fantastic. It's a seriously precious moment to me, because everything is so new and raw and since I read it before and know what is coming, it just feels oddly nostalgic. Eragon and Saphira are so innocent and general and their bond is only growing. Magical.

A Song For The Road

Loved hearing Brom's elven song. Learning the lore, culture, and even geography is just such a magical feeling. What a journey!

A Taste of Teirm

Yet another dreary, depressed town.


The lengths Eragon and Brom are going to track down the Ra'Zac is just intense and admirable. Tracking them down, while learning of this whole new world and life all at the same time, is exhilarating.

As a whole, these chapters just bring me joy. Can't wait to read on.

This video was playing in the background as I read these chapters.

