Eagle Eye (2008) is still one of my favorite movies!


Probable spoilers.

Just like 'Limitless', I felt similarly about 'Eagle Eye' in that, I sort of avoided watching the movie because I liked it so much when I was younger. I don't enjoy sort of spoiling the film and over-watching it if that makes sense. I can't believe the film is steadily approaching twenty years old at this point. I'm getting old, like seriously.

I really really enjoyed re-watching 'Eagle Eye' again for the first time in who knows how long. I may have still been living with my mom the last time I saw this. SHEESH.

This movie came out in the early stages of modern social media and complete mass adoption of internet usage. The plot aged remarkably well and the subjects it touches on are still highly relevant in 2025. If anything, 'Eagle Eye' was amazingly ahead of it's time. AI, data collection and internet privacy are all topics that, if anything, are more alive and well than they ever were in 2008. Truly pretty impressive how much 'Eagle Eye' was spot on in predicting how the internet will and has developed. Really really deep. It also feels like, the film subtly touches on fate or destiny the way the AI 'Aria' would be so powerful and intelligent throughout the movie.

I loved re-watching 'Eagle Eye', but interestingly, while my re-watch of Limitless exceeded my expectations, Eagle Eye just was just barely not as good as I recalled. I feel like the movie could have benefited in being a bit edgier, and it had moments of like, clumsiness for a lack of a better word. But since I already had a really high opinion of the movie, it not meeting my expectations by a hair wasn't really very disappointing and I am still a huge fan of the movie. I'm surprised there was never a sequel but, this probably needs to stay a standalone movie. I can't even imagine what a remake would look like either. The subjects it touches on are unique of that time. Even though the film seems accurate in it's accuracy of how society has moved, that very reason makes me feel like it can't really be remade. It's timeless in a sense, but one day 'Eagle Eye' will almost feel like a historical type of film. I find it strange how this movie is not talked about more, frankly. Hmmm.

The originality, the action, the mystery was all so great in 'Eagle Eye'. The CGI, film quality and everything still very much holds up with ease. The casting was excellent, full of stars all over. Michelle Monaghan is now in two excellent movies that I like very much. This one, and 'Source Code'. Pretty awesome. Regardless of any off-screen matters, I've always appreciated Shia LaBeouf's work as an actor, especially growing up. The guy absolutely dominated the 2000's. Just banger after banger. Even Stevens-Holes-Transformers-Eagle Eye just to name a few. What a run! Like I said I really really don't want to get into his personal life, but growing up watching him, he was always fun to watch. I was always fascinated at how he went from that goofy kid on Disney Channel to being a full fledged action star. He's still a pretty active actor to this day of course. Then of course Billy Bob Thornton, Rosario Dawson and Anthony Mackie made the casting pretty great!

Yeah, this movie was really good but beyond that, the sheer amount of nostalgia it gave me was nuts. Life was so simpler back then. Reminds me just how good of a childhood I did have. Reminds me of good, safe nights at home. Summer camp, sports, the trips my mother helped me go on. This movie came out right between my Alaska and Australia trips. Harry Potter movies were still coming out. 'Eagle Eye' came out right smack dab in the middle of a lot of great things going on for me personally. I'm determined to provide a fantastic life like that for my son. Perhaps one day life will feel as carefree. If anything, I at least have those memories.

My gut tells me to give Eagle Eye about an 8.65/10



I can so relate to the feeling of seeing some old movies and reminiscing on how much life and growing up were so easy and quite fun at that time. I know how it feels
And this sure seems like an epic film. Beautiful review, you've written.


Wow that was really nice of you to say! Yes watching this was a serious blast from the past, time is certainly flying. Thank you very much!
