

I'm getting a very strong surge of energy to blog and that's what I've been doing. I'm not about to question it. Just embracing it, and using it. Happy to have it.

My son with me, and just the strong desire to accomplish something with my life is just pushing me onward.

There's so many things I want to do with my life and the opportunity here is just slapping me in the face.

I listen to or read about so many successful people online or even through books. I used to read athletes biographies way before I had an internet connection. I read Derek Jeter's biography or autobiography and it really impacted me. He talked about goals and how just having goals helped him get where he wanted.

I've seen that most successful people struggled and worked and worked to get to where they want. It's scary but I really am willing to dig deep. I just need a vision even if others don't see it. I'm simply going to grind and work until the vision is my reality.
