It's been practically three weeks since my last daily ramble. It was a nice break and besides, I had a looooot going on. Still do frankly. But I actually have a moment to spit out some words.
Been working, being a dad. A lot of both. Donating too. Catching up on rent forever as always. Just stressed as a whole but, I'm growing numb to all of that at this point.
Yeah I have not been blogging but have been posting my Actifit reports so that's decent enough. Walking everywhere provides a lot of chances at great counts.
The Phillies were eliminated, the Titans are struggling mightily. Have not checked on the Sixers lately though.
But yeah. Still just attempting to reach my goals.
I've been trying out Draftkings lately and MAN I want to win the big money soooo bad LOL. No luck so far. I'd absolutely buy a nice haul of Hive.
Crypto is teasing a big rise, but yeah. I know better than to really get my hopes up.
Not much to say really. I guess my life is boring, and I am also rusty I guess LOL.
Here's some random pictures from the past few weeks or so. Hive on folks.