
October 15th. Today is a very 'October 15th' type of day. The perfect fall day. No lingering of summer here in the northeast. Likely won't even hit sixty degrees today! Walking the dog requires some real prep work lately. Hoodies and sweatpants are very much a thing again, leaves are everywhere. It's pretty wonderful.

Stressed out as usual but handling it better I think? It's just so common in life that I guess I am growing accustomed to it. Caffeine helps too. LOL.

Oatmeal and sausage for breakfast. Going to do reading and blogging, and yeah. Keep building the best I can.

Life is pretty great. I am actually appreciating the moment right now. The future is uncertain at times but I am in the prime of my life, not homeless, I have food and shelter and needs met etc. I am a pretty lucky son of a gun.

If I just keep on believing I actually might be on the right track.....

How dare I think that LOL. But for all my worrying and overthinking, maybe I am on to something good.... I need to think of THAT scenario when I am in an overthinking state. Odds may not be slim that I can have a better more stable life someday.. soon?
