I’ve honestly received more feedback on SoMee than on Twitter, instagram and TikTok&


I’ve honestly received more feedback on SoMee than on Twitter, instagram and TikTok… thank you SoMeeians… I will fix the background and add crypto payments 🏼. Now go buy some coffee
I’ve honestly received more feedback on SoMee than on Twitter, instagram and TikTok&

1367.000 SME


Some thing for you to consider. First of all, you mi two niches here. A crypto niche and a coffee niche. This might work if there is a big enough market that's into crypto and fine coffee experience. The marketing aspect could be very difficult. If you market to coffee drinkers a lot will not know anything about crypto, and if you market to crypto people lot don't care that much about their coffee experience. Personally, I would probably go one way or the other. Also, crypto is a very broad thing. Within crypto, you have a lot of different niches that could be easier to market to. You have the ETH lovers, the Bitcoin Maximalists, SoMee fanboys and so on and on. The problem there is, a lot of these names will be trademarked (Bitcoin excluded) so you have to be careful if you use them. I'm not sure enough people is into crypto in the sense that they identify with that alone. Crypto is known to be scammy as fuck and I'm not sure people would were that on a shirt. Specific coins or projects, on the other hand, could be.

The second thing is this. Coffee is neither a "wow"-factor product or a problem-solving product. It's what you might call an evergreen product in the sense that people use it all the time and always will be, BUT the problem then becomes. Why buy your coffee instead of their usual brand? You are not an established brand. You could give out free samples, but that's gonna be expensive and a risk if your product is not really good. I assume this is some kind of private label kind of thing right?

I just saw you write "veteran-owned store" which is again a third niche you're trying to appeal to.

I think the biggest thing you could do to help the store become a success is to really think deeply about who exactly are you trying to sell to? There is a saying: Niches make riches, and my advice would be to consider niching down.

Anyways, if you choose to go with this niche combination (which could work if there is a market for it, but that is what you have to find out), I would focus on the product pages. These are the most important ones.

When you start marketing, you will direct people to the product page and only 1-2 percent will see the general store. I would add some trustbatches, payment option and maybe a video of you explaining something about the product. People buy from people (or pages) they trust, so keep this in mind. Go to some stores that you buy from and as yourself, why do I trust this store vs. the average dropshipping store?

Also, be aware that there is two types of buyers. The readers and the skimmers and they actually convert equally well. Right now you would only sell to the readeras. There is not a single headline on that page. Only product information. Get rid of all of that. You are not selling coffee, you are selling a coffee experience whatever that may be.

The font is very hard to read. Don't make the writing grey and get a normal better font.

Anyways, just my 2 cents. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions

692.297 SME

Thank you.. I am considering to change the font.. as far as the niches… I can always tapper down to just coffee drinkers … I will take all this advice into consideration as I move forward .. thank you l again

136.927 SME

Ok now that I’m fully awake (I replied earlier right after I woke up and was still in bed) I would like to thank you again for your review and comments. As far as the multiple niches, veteran crypto and coffee, I will be removing the veteran portion since that is really only a mention on my store. My main mission is the crypto community and I understand this may be an uphill battle but I’m willing to take it. I am in the process of incorporating crypto payments, I’m just waiting verification from bitpay and crypto.com merchant divisions.

As for the font being hard to read… were you referring to the website or the font on the product labels. Both are easy to change.

Also as for the product labels. What are your thoughts and comments. Should I incorporate the crypto slang or remove the slang and just leave the coffee blend/ flavor?

Again thank you for your comments, they do help.

250.118 SME

CryptoLaird Hi Laird.

I see you have made some changes and I like. A couple of things more. I'm personally not a fan of the logo changing size when you scroll down the site. To me it makes the page look cheap. Still not a fan of the font in your headlines. I find them hard to read. The average user of your site will not be there for long, so it needs to be crystal clear.

If you go the crypto+caffee route I would go all in on that. You could even make a polygon blend or a Bitcoin maximalist blend and use this as a marketing tool. Like write some funny marketing angle about why polygon blends sucks and true hodlers choose the Bitcoin blend. Just spitballing here, but right now I thing you run the risk of not really hitting either group with your products and marketing. I think the marketing angle here is going to be important.

Also, the most important piece of your site is the product pages. This is where you will be directing people from your marketing efforts. Don't direct them to the main site. It's another step and it's gonna decrease conversion.

It needs to build some more trust. So get some trust batches, different payment information and maybe even a money back guarantee. Most will not use it but it might increase conversion. Also some info on where you can be reached if a costumer has a complaint.

141.389 SME

ferris thank you again… first I am using Shopify for my e-commerce provider and with that I can only change/add so much to my pages but I do understand what you’re saying. As far as the packaging…. I have this sick feeling that my “crypto” theme isn’t going to hit the mark. Luckily the site would be easy to change theme quickly along with coffee labels (I’m using dripshipper as a provider). I really do appreciate all your comments and thoughts. Please keep them coming as I am still learning.

142.312 SME

CryptoLaird you can ad trustbatches to most themes in Shopify. You just have to install an app or two. To a youtube search and you Will learn quickly.

Also ad some reviews. You can write them yourself until you get actual reviews. Loux reviews (i Think it’s called) is pretty good for this.

168.538 SME