Alexei Navalny was the biggest threat towards Putin. Sent KGB. Trump is the democrats bigg
Alexei Navalny was the biggest threat towards Putin. Sent KGB.
Trump is the democrats biggest threat. Sends their secret Police the FBI. Who now have proven themselves beeing a stazi political police, not raiding anyone connected to Jeffrey Epstein, not Hunter Biden and his drug and girl abuse, not Hillary Clinton and her trail of dead people and the proven connections to Russia and blaming Trump for it...
(listen to Larry Elders take on it. He got 3.5million votes in California. Great dude!
9min in to the clip.)
image: nbcnews link:Timcast
Police state menatality by the left in my country. And then on the flipside, the left has committed many political crimes without criminal convictions. Historically, post Civil War, a white racist in the south would not be fround guilty of crimes. Apparently, today, a Democrat in Washington DC will not be found guilty of crimes either. Both groups have their own kind sitting in the juries. In my country justice used to prevail!
-The question of the day: Will the great American experiment be able to purge a socialist left power grab? Or are we watching the Great American Experiment go under after 240 years of existence? The people of the Western World may want to pay attention, China and the rogues would love to see the demise of the U.S.A.