Breathing In Dust

The noise that is going on in my environment. He’s getting too much. There’s this guy who is my neighbour who on the general that I’m. And the noise that is coming from there is not a joke, is not something that can make you sleep easily.

That is the point #1 the point #2 is the amount of dust that we are healing these days because of the harmattan dry season that is here upon us. Any walk that you take on the road. Is characterised by dust. You inhaling dust instead of the year.

So the breathing in and breathing out of carbon dioxide and oxygen is’being replaced now with dust and us. So as you’re bringing indoors, they’re bringing out dust. This is dangerous to health and many people are not even using a face mask to protect whatever they’re bringing in. They are even not. Careful about it. And there are people that are selling one or two things on the roadside.

You can imagine if there are food intake that they’re selling on this road, the amount of dust that will have residue on this food and people buying it are not. Putting water to rinse it at home, they just eat it directly like that.

I cannot phantom the amount of risk people are putting into themselves these days with all those things but is looking like it has become a norm. So we leave and we all die at the end so life goes on and no one cares.

