Drawing the Pirate Captain for the Splinterlands Art Contest
Hiii, I have once again come with a human sensation, that of Pirates. Jokes aside I am glad I wasn't born in such an era when the only available means for long distance was through waters. I remember years ago when I saw the Pirate of the Caribbean and the multiple curses that plagued these people. Most especially the fact that they were outlaws who were regularly hunged. It was a terrible life, one I wouldn't love to witness firsthand.
When I saw this character I wanted to portray him with a firm face, one that would make it look as though he was about to charge into another boat or beat up the unresponsive mate he was mugging.
I am glad I was able to achieve this effect but before I was able to, I made use of different shades of colours; red, blue, black, yellow, brown and gold.
Thanks for sharing! - @isaria