The Darkness Of The Night : A Freewrite

It changed into a moonless night time, and the celebrities above regarded to have abandoned the sky, leaving it shrouded in an impenetrable darkness. John, a solitary soul who frequently observed solace in the quiet of the night, stood at the threshold of a dense forest. He had constantly been interested in the enigmatic beauty of the night time, however tonight changed into distinct. Tonight, the darkness appeared to keep secrets and techniques, secrets and techniques he became decided to discover.

As he ventured deeper into the wooded area, the silence changed into deafening. The leaves underfoot crunched softly, like a lullaby sung via nature itself. John's coronary heart raced, however no longer from worry. It turned into excitement that coursed via his veins, for he became on a quest to unveil the mysteries hid inside the night.

As he walked further, he stumbled upon an abandoned cabin, its timber structure weathered by time. An eerie feeling washed over him, but he pressed on, curiosity overcoming warning. Pushing open the creaking door, he became greeted by way of the scent of aged timber and damp earth. The cabin become a repository of forgotten reminiscences, a silent witness to the secrets of the night time.

In the dim light filtering via the cracked windows, John found a journal resting on a dusty table. Its pages had been brittle and yellowed with age, however the ink turned into still darkish and legible. The magazine belonged to Emily, a woman who had lived inside the cabin a long time ago. Her entries noted a deep connection to the night, of a longing to apprehend its mysteries.


John have become engrossed in Emily's words, every entry drawing him similarly into her global. She wrote of peculiar occurrences, of whispers in the darkness, and of a hidden pathway that caused a clearing wherein the night found out its actual nature. Emily's phrases regarded like a map to the very heart of the night, and John could not withstand the decision.
