Gage the Shitpost - The Rage Quip Post


Ok Ange, this is truly pathetic. I mean, the bull market is finally here. You know, that eclipse the Cryptoverse been waiting for, the same one you'd dreamed of living through. And yet, you ain't doing it the milky way. Wait, I mean milking, you ain't this season justice.

Smh - by padrefilar - CCO,

Why though? You know those once 20 cents will turn 60 post payout. That's, 12 cigarettes at the locol shop, a slice of pizza if you munchied up.

Seriously! What would your grandchildren say if they scrolled down to this season only to realize you hadn't taken advantage of the mania. Imagine their disappointment, think they'd want to keep showing face in the Metaverse?

Think, Ange, think! This is some immutable shIt, no deletions, no add-ons. Think!

But I'm no...

Shhh! Tell me, how many shitposts about having nothing to write about have you dropped over the years, hmm?

... Catalogs I guess.

Indeed, and in all sorts of genres and formats too. Remember how those always seemed to earn you the most? And how it always tripped you out?

😂 Yeah... they were kind of epic.

Yeaaah buddy, that's the spirit! Keep those 4 brain cells hamster wheeling and you'll get there once again.

Form follows function. Eventually you'll reel in puns, or spawn whimsical rhyme schemes for a soothing flow. Could be both, could be an accidental metaphor a reader points out, to which you'll claim knownership of; who knows.

Jus... You know the drill.

First things first, a captive first sentence.

Second things seconds, the semblance of a developed body.

Mix in some self depreciation to alleviate the humble brags, third parties will appreciate.

And last but not least, sprinkle in a source here
and there;

And voilà! ! The blueprint to a quality shitpost! !

#newvetontheblock #newbswhereyouat



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