Dystopic Meta Pitch

Once you put this device in and activate it a hologram will pop out. Whatever you will pops out. Want to feel it? Go ahead, touch it. You seek it you're there, and if you want tokens sent, Katching! It's already cashed in.

Yes, the process will be uncomfortable at first, dare I even say excruciating. Getting used to the contact lens will take a whole lot of getting used to. God forbid there'll ever be short-circuits.

But so what. The feed will be fuckin immersive, the fees will be fuckin intensive!

They will, hate it, at first.

Speeches about privacy, microchips, and crap de la like shall be had, for whatever's new must be bad. Basement dwellers will somehow find themselves as collateral damage for basement dwellers will always be collateral of these digital edge debates. And cryptotards will yell out, centralized!

Uh, Duuh!

We've been here before, we've seen how it plays out, they always come around.

At the end of the day, tough dudu! Tough dudu on those with reservations! This is what the market shall want, it's what the market shall get.

Like the meme dictates;

Don't ask questions, just consume product and then get excited for next product!

Truly words to slave by.

VrIrs - by Lars_Nissen, CCO, pixabay.com

Ladies, gentlemen, Board almighty;

Please allow the roll out of this project. A cataclysmic dawn fast approaches us, if we come out of the ashes still alive, the top won't be for long. If successful this move would forever cement us in our users cores.

I'll assume full responsibility in case of failure and won't cause a fuss if let go. Still, rest assured there's no way I'll let it get it to that, by my soul I swear so.

I'll patiently wait for your decision.

